

12TH CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference.

Please submit your abstracts (one page), preferably, by e-mail as a Word file attachment to the Conference secretariat (vmanak@civil.auth.gr), by January 15, 2025, written according to the instructions for authors.


Abstract must be written in clear and grammatical English and it should include the title of the paper, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) and up to 5 keywords. Abstract should describe briefly the aims as well as the results and conclusions of the scientific work. Abstract should not exceed one page.


A full paper, up to 8 pages, should be submitted to the conference secretary no later than March 15, 2022, written according to the instructions for authors.

Please follow the instructions for Authors for both abstract and full paper preparation.

Instructions for authors
Sample abstract
Sample paper

It should be highlighted that only the papers that will be presented at the conference (either oral or poster presentations) are eligible for publication in one of the special issues.

Please notice that:

Every submitted manuscript will be subject to peer review through the normal refereeing process. At least one of the authors should attend the conference, in order to make the paper eligible for publication in one of the special issues.


It is possible to take part in the conference and submit just the abstract, not the full paper. Abstracts that will be presented at the conference (as either oral or poster presentations) are eligible for publication in one of the special issues.

Along with the final paper submission:

Please let us know if you prefer your paper to be considered as oral or poster presentation. Of course, the final decision on this issue will be taken by the reviewers, after the submission of the full paper. Please, let us know who among the authors will be responsible for the presentation of the paper (either oral presentation or poster).


Regarding the poster presentations we would like to inform you that the poster size should not exceed the size of 1.20*1.00 m. Please suggest one or more of the conference topics where your paper best fits in: Conference Topics